Friday, 25 September 2015

Must Read!!Top 10 Reasons Why you should Marry A Female Doctor

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1. Owo, kudi, ego. If she’s not
stinkingly rich , she will at least be
financially stable. /walks away singing
owo ni koko/

2. She no only make brain, she get
brain! To be a doctor, you pretty
much HAVE to be smart. I mean
who’s gonna let a dullard prescribe
drugs or deliver their baby or cut
them open??!! So a female doctor will
most definitely be a brainiac. A wise
man would want a wife like this to
pass down excellent genes to his

3. She no dey fear…. Well at least not
bodily issues. She’s seen almost every
nasty thing one can see about the
human body. So that ur nasty boil
won’t make her vomit

4. She work past pack mule
Medicine no send whether you be
female, pregnant, delicate, sensitive,
etc. If you’re a doctor you must
work hard, stay up all night, do long
hours, think on your feet. So a female
doctor can never be lazy and must be
diligent. Being hardworking is a great
trait for a wife.

5. Their mouth sweet pass lacasera
This isn’t well known, but female
doctors are excellent talkers. They can
go from talking dirty to discussing the
flaws in Buhari’s new government.
They can handle most topics because
they have a lot of exposure. This kind
of wife is fun because you guys will
always enjoy gisting.

6. They can keep you (and your
kids) safe They know which medicine
to take, what is the sign of so-and-so
infection, they know which animal is
poisonous, in fact they can even save
your life with CPR! How many men’s
wives can do that?!

7. They appreciate life I mean, We
all do. But the female doctor has a
unique perspective. As a female, she
probably brought a life or two into
the world (gave birth to her own
kids). As a doctor, she probably
witnessed a number of deaths. So she
gets this amazing perspective on life
that few have and that enables her to
treasure her family that much more.

8. She no dey nag I know I know. It
sounds too good to be true. But how,
after working so hard, taking care of
you and the kids; she wan come find
time to dey nag about nonsense. She
won’t even have energy.

9. They fine dieee This one maybe a
bit of hyping sha But truly truly.
I’ve never met an ugly female doctor
before. They are always either
beautiful or at least okay. Besides
with their intelligence and white
coats, they always seem to have some
s*x appeal even if they’re not that

10. s*x They sabi anatomy wellaaaaar.
N0 need to say more
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