A Police officer attached to Denton
Police station in Oyingbo is currently
armed robbery attack that left him
with shattered m*d.
Some robbers attacked corporal
Gbenga Samuel and his men in Mile
12 yesterday.
The rain of bullets from the AK47
rifles used by the robbers penetrated
their patrol van and hit Samuel on the
waist, shattering his private part.
His colleagues at Denton Station are
praying for him to come out of coma
as bullets has shattered his m*d.
Another corporal injured in the attack
is one Fidelis Omage from SARS Ikeja.
Bullets reportedly hit him on the
shoulder and wrist.
The second patrol team opened fire
on the robbers at Market Street, 2
members of the gang fled while two
others were arrested. An AK47 rifle
was recovered from the criminals.