2015/2016 Jamb Registeration Begins Officially- Here are things you should Know

The JAMB Portal for 2015/2016 UTME registration has been enabled, signifying the official commencement of registration for the 2015/2016 UTME.
We are creating this thread to guide candidates on the registration process to avoid the usual mistakes a $$ociated with registering for an external examination like this.
Candidates are advised to read the instructions below carefully before proceeding with the registration.
1. Obtain the JAMB registration scratch card from any of the following banks; Zenith Bank, Sky Bank and First Bank at the cost of N5000 (Five Thousand Naira). You will be expected to pay additional N500 (Five Hundred Naira) to obtain the textbook, “The Last Days at Forcados High School”. Making it N5,500 (Five thousand Five Hundred Naira). However, if you
already have the book, you need not pay for it.
The book will be issued to candidates who paid for it at the point of registration after showing evidence of payment. All candidates will be tested on this book during the examination
2. After obtaining the scratch card, candidates are to download the 2016 UTME Registration Template before proceeding to an accredited JAMB Registration Centre.
You are expected to fill the template carefully and correctly. The information on the template is what will be uploaded as your details on JAMB portal during registration.
It is important to note here that details like your name, Date of Birth, State of Origin, Gender and Examination Town cannot be changed after submitting your application.
3. You are advised to check and ensure that your chosen course is offered by your choice institution. You can ascertain that via this link: Check Institutions and Courses
4. It is also important that you consult the JAMB Brochure as to know the specific UTME Subject combination for your particular course. The brochure is available online now via this link: JAMB Latest Brochure.
5. After completing the template, candidates are to
proceed to an accredited JAMB Registration Centre. The list of JAMB accredited JAMB registration Centres in your area can be accessed via this link: JAMB Accredited Registration Centres
6. Ensure that you have a recent Pa$$port Photograph (not older than 3 months) before visiting a Registration Centre.
7. Check through the information entered by whoever that is assisting you on the registration to avoid given a wrong information that will affect you later during admission exercise. Candidates are therefore advised to stay with the person a$$isting them on the registration all through the process.
8. Ensure that your Biometrics Fingerprints data is captured during the process
Note: The deadline for sales of form is January 15, 2016. While the registration website is expected to close January 19th, 2016.
Like you must have known, The UTME will be 100% Computer Based Test (CBT).
In view of this, if you run your own Cybercafe or Business Centre, you can take opportunity of this to set a CBT training centre where candidates can undergo CBT training for a fee….
The JAMB Portal for 2015/2016 UTME registration has been enabled, signifying the official commencement of registration for the 2015/2016 UTME.
We are creating this thread to guide candidates on the registration process to avoid the usual mistakes a $$ociated with registering for an external examination like this.
Candidates are advised to read the instructions below carefully before proceeding with the registration.
1. Obtain the JAMB registration scratch card from any of the following banks; Zenith Bank, Sky Bank and First Bank at the cost of N5000 (Five Thousand Naira). You will be expected to pay additional N500 (Five Hundred Naira) to obtain the textbook, “The Last Days at Forcados High School”. Making it N5,500 (Five thousand Five Hundred Naira). However, if you
already have the book, you need not pay for it.
The book will be issued to candidates who paid for it at the point of registration after showing evidence of payment. All candidates will be tested on this book during the examination
2. After obtaining the scratch card, candidates are to download the 2016 UTME Registration Template before proceeding to an accredited JAMB Registration Centre.
You are expected to fill the template carefully and correctly. The information on the template is what will be uploaded as your details on JAMB portal during registration.
It is important to note here that details like your name, Date of Birth, State of Origin, Gender and Examination Town cannot be changed after submitting your application.
3. You are advised to check and ensure that your chosen course is offered by your choice institution. You can ascertain that via this link: Check Institutions and Courses
4. It is also important that you consult the JAMB Brochure as to know the specific UTME Subject combination for your particular course. The brochure is available online now via this link: JAMB Latest Brochure.
5. After completing the template, candidates are to
proceed to an accredited JAMB Registration Centre. The list of JAMB accredited JAMB registration Centres in your area can be accessed via this link: JAMB Accredited Registration Centres
6. Ensure that you have a recent Pa$$port Photograph (not older than 3 months) before visiting a Registration Centre.
7. Check through the information entered by whoever that is assisting you on the registration to avoid given a wrong information that will affect you later during admission exercise. Candidates are therefore advised to stay with the person a$$isting them on the registration all through the process.
8. Ensure that your Biometrics Fingerprints data is captured during the process
Note: The deadline for sales of form is January 15, 2016. While the registration website is expected to close January 19th, 2016.
Like you must have known, The UTME will be 100% Computer Based Test (CBT).
In view of this, if you run your own Cybercafe or Business Centre, you can take opportunity of this to set a CBT training centre where candidates can undergo CBT training for a fee….