Friday, 12 June 2015

Install Xperia Z3 Walkman in all Android Phones (Rooted / Non-Rooted)

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                      Download Latest Sony Xperia Walkman for all Android Phones Rooted as well as Non-Rooted. Sony, generally known for its Music optimized Smartphones with a premium look & its quality. Even I'm a Walkman lover because of its Interface & features. "The new and latest WALKMAN player from Xperia Z2 will shake up your ears and bring you to the best music experience" If you want the best music output from your phone then this is the best App for Music lovers. I really respect this work of XDA devs TodorSRB & ibanez7. Its because of their hardwork, we are able to install this wonderful app in all our Android device. Don't forget to hit the Thanks button in their thread. This latest build has material design, sound improvements & fixes for compatibility issues.

Don't Miss : 

    For Non Rooted Phones

                   The decision of rooting your phones is a tuff Job for some of the users who have phones which is still under warranty.OFFICIAL WALKMAN app from Sony Xperia S, it is an older version, but you DO NOT NEED a rooted phone to install this version of Walkman :

    Downloads :
    How to Install : 
    • Download the zip file & unzip it using ES File Explorer or WinRaR (In PC).
    • Install each Apk file normally.
    • That's all ! You are done.
    For Rooted users :

    1. Latest WALKMAN build 8.5.A.3.2
    2. New and fresh UI
    3. Clear audio setting | SoundEnhancement
    4. Clear audio+
    5. Equalizer preset (such as Rock, Easy Listening, Jazz, etc)
    6. Manual mode of preset (Custom and User-defined)
    7. Clear bass
    8. Clear stereo
    9. S-force Front Surround
    10. Surround Sound VPT (Soundstage option)
    11. Dynamic normalizer
    12. Visualizer
    13. Album art
    14. Adjust background color following album art
    15. Music control on notification
    16. Edit Music Info
    17. Download Music Info (work on v3.5+)
    18. SensMe
    19. Throw function (on v3.5+)
    20. DLNA/Media server (on v3.5+)
    21. Qualcomm bass boost (only work for device with snapdragon chipset)
    22. xLoud (Actived by default) can't settings
    23. Additional the libs, and files make a more awesome sound output
    • Rooted.
    • Custom recovery | CWM. TWRP, PhilZ Touch, etc
    • Free 40 - 50 MB of memory system ROM on your device
    • Used ROM base on Jelly bean 4.1.2, 4.2.2, 4.3.x and KitKat 4.4.2 like     AOSP/CM10.2/CM11/PA/AOKP/MIUI/Liquid smooth etc | Specifically for Official stock ROM, only for all device outside Xperia devices (Not for Xperia device)
    Screenshots :

    Downloads :

    Xperia Z3 Walkman v3.6 BETA VERSION for 4.2+ and 5.0+:

    1. Walkman : 
    2. Build.prop (Compulsory, Flash this after flashing Walkman :
    For Android 4.1 Users Only : 

    1. Walkman : 
    2. Build.prop ( Flash this after flashing Walkman ) :
    Addons for both 4.1 & 4.2+ : (Optional)
    Installation Method : 
    • Always make a Nandroid backup for safer side.
    • Copy the downloaded files to your sdcard.
    • Now Reboot your phone into recovery.
    • Wipe cache and dalvik cache ans select Install zip option.
    • Locate the xperiawalkman file and wait until it gets installed.
    • Now again select install zip from file and locate build.prop.
    • After Installation system will auto reboot .
    • Done ;)
             I hope you enjoy using walkman on your phone. Don't forget to Press the Thanks button on official thread of this apps, Non-Rooted : TodorSRB & Rooted : ibanez7. It would be a great help for them if you could make a small donation for them, you can find the donation button in their profile. Don't forget to like, +1 & share this post with all other walkman lover out there. Good day !
    receive our updates directly to your phone now SMS follow techrul to 40404 to starts Now!!!(SMS is Free)

