Tuesday, 16 June 2015

How to fix an Android phone that doesn’t charge (or discharges) when connected to a power source

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It could be really confusing to see the charging sign on your
phone when connected to your charger only for your battery
percentage to remain at the same level for hours or in fact
drop steadily. If you’re a heavy user then you must have
encountered this on one or two occasions

) but that isn’t to say that light users are exempted from this
puzzling phenomenon.
Lets look at it from a less-techy perspective for a moment.
If you connect your charger (which is supposed to increase
battery levels) but the battery levels are dropping instead,
then it must either mean that the phone isn’t being charged at
all or the battery is being consumed faster than its being
charged. Now that we’ve established this, lets proceed.
Why is my Android phone discharging despite being
connected to a power source?

Common causes of this issue are:

Faulty power source: If you’re charging using a PC
(via USB cord) or from a faulty power source then
this is possible

Faulty USB port: A loose, cracked or broken phone
USB port could be a cause
Faulty charger: If the charger is faulty or not powerful
enough then you can expect something like this

Buggy ROM: If you flashed a custom ROM /
Firmware upgrade with power efficiency bugs then you
have another possible culprit

Heavy usage during charging: If you’re running
processor / battery intensive processes during charging
then you have another possible cause

Faulty battery: Some batteries have problems retaining
charge after extensive use

How do I fix an Android phone that doesn’t charge (or
discharges) when connected to power?

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Some fixes you should consider include:
Ensure the USB jack and USB port are making
firm contact
Try a different charger

Avoid heavy usage during charging
Consider changing the USB port if it looks loose,
cracked or damaged in any way

Try a different power source
Flash the stock ROM back to the phone

Consider using an external (like desktop) charger to be
sure the battery is OK

What can I do to prevent future occurrence?

Avoid over-charging your device

Avoid charging your device using a PC

Employ good battery management practices

Do not rotate the USB jack during charging or force
it into the USB port
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  1. Hi guyz, please I just bought a techno camon c8 and tested okay at the point of sale before I shot it down. After few days I wanted to start using it it couldn't on again. I connected it to power with its charger but could not charge at all or come up. No even any sign of it being alive after over 8 hours of charging. Somebody advised it could be flashed but am not sure of this this since d phone doesn't come up at all. Please what do I do now?

  2. That's the same thing happening to me...Pls help

  3. How did you fix yours?

  4. That's the problem with the phone.. That's what is happening to me.. am getting fed up of the phone.. it also has poor multitasking

  5. My TECNO C8 remains at 0% after charging for hours. I even noticed that the battery is swollen up. Pls help

  6. My TECNO C8 remains at 0% after charging for hours. I even noticed that the battery is swollen up. Pls help

  7. pls I have an in-built battery of tecno L8 but now its not charging what should I do
