After 3 hours of continous checking by my fellow mate Bhavesh i got a review :
It's Clean, Pure Note IV, best performance Overall great! System more fluent, easy to use than the officialROM Features :
- Original launcher of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4.
- Samsung Galaxy S5 & Note 4 Apps & Animations.
- Inbuilt Power Saving of 2 types.
- Block mode of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4.
- Samsung Apps Pre-installed (S Health, S Memo, Smart Memo, ChatON etc).
- Latest Playstore app.
- Samsung Galaxy Note 4 ,S5, S4 & Note III Wallpapers.
- Samsung ringtones.
- Latest Status bar & Setting tray of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4.
- Based on 036 official Google services framework adapted to retain.
- ZipAligned all APK files to reduce memory usage and improve phone performance
- Added BusyBox support.
- Modified the framework, enhancing the ability to accept wifi.
- Kernel algorithm optimization to improve mobile performance.
- Optimized graphics processing system.
- Phone RF parameter optimization.
- Idle automatic background clean up process optimization
- Improved Picture quality with build tweaks for detailed colour.
- Optimization of video quality & performance
- Improved response to the touch.
- At the end you will simply love it.
Bugs :
The only bug found was it is a single SIM ROM. Other than this its a perfect rom to be used for Daily purpose for Karbonn Titanium S5+. But if you find anything not working or instability which would be a very rare case you can report about that in comment section.
- Link 1 : Galaxy Note IV for S5+ / Coolpad 795C.
- Link 2 : Galaxy Note IV for S5+ / Coolpad 795C.
How to Install :
- First you need to Root your Titanium S5+(Plus) / Coolpad 7295C : How to Root.
- Install Custom recovery (CWM) : How to Install CWM.
- After all this Install Custom ROM in Titanium S5+(Plus) / Coolpad 7295C : Click here.
If you find any issue regarding the ROM or error while Installation you can ask your questions in comment section. I Hope you like this new Samsung Note 4 interface with no bugs. Don't forget to share your feedback in comments. Have a good day !