Sony phones are usually known for Looks, Performance & Music. All this features are present in this Xperia ROM for Karbonn titanium S9. Xperia Homescreen, Performance & Battery tweaks & Walkman for Music. This rom is optimized for Gaming & Better Music experience. So i present you Sony Xperia Z Custom ROM for Karbonn Titanium S9. I hope you enjoy using this .
ROM Features :
- Android 4.2.2
- Xperia C Lockscreen
- Xperia Z1 Small Apps
- Xperia Z1 Themes
- Xperia Z1 Launcher
- Xperia Z1 Movies
- Xperia Z1 Albums
- Xperia Z1 Wallpapers
- Xperia Z1 Walkman
- Xperia Z1 Calculator
- Xperia Z1 Clock
- Xperia Z1 Calender
- Xperia Z1 Email
- Xperia Z1 Widgets
- Xperia Z1 Sounds
- Xperia Z1 Bootanimation
- Xperia Z1 Fonts
- Xperia Z1 Framework
- Xperia Z1 Keyboard
- Xperia Z1 Sketch App
- Xperia Z1 Notes App
- Sense Me Feature
- Downlaod Music Info
- Xperia C SystemUI
- Xperia C Settings
- Xperia Honami Album Share
- Xperia Honami Sound Enhancement
- Xperia C Icons
- Moto X Active Notifications
- Adjust All Background Color to Album Art on Walkman
- Music Control on Notification
- Clear Bass
- Clear Stereo
- Clear Phase
- Dynamic Normalizer
- xLoud
- Surround Sound VPT
- Walkman Music Widget
- Walkman DLNA
- Friend Music FB
- FB Music Like
- Music Extension for find info on internet
- Walkman More Stable
- X-Reality Engine for Album & Movies
- Photo & Video widget
- Xposed Framework
- Xposed Gravity Box
- Xposed X-Theme Engine
- Xposed XBlast Tools
- Xposed Additions
- New Baseband
- Faster And Smoother
- Pre-Rooted
- busybox
- Performance Tweaks
- Faster Streaming
- Net Speed Tweaks
- No Delay In Making Call
- Battery Tweaks
- Proximity Tweaks
- More RAM Free
- Signal Tweaks
- Better Responsiveness & Speed
- Locked Launcher In Memory
- Play Store 4.3.11
- Enabled 270 Degree Rotation
- Ziplagined and Deodexeda
- AD Block host by default
- Gps.cofig added
- Flashlight intensity increased
Bugs :
No bugs. Thanks to Chetan Sharma & Bhavesh Mishra for fixing Audio & Camera Bugs.But if you find any other bugs you can report about it in comment section which might be a rare case.
Screenshots :

Downloads :
- Link 1 : Xperia Z1 for Karbonn Titanium S9.
- Link 1 : Xperia Z1 for Karbonn Titanium S9.
Camera Fix : Camera fix for Xperia S9
I hope you like this rom's UI & Performance. You can leave your questions/queries in comment section. Please like & share this post as sharing is caring. Thanks for visiting.