Sunday, 14 September 2014

Asthma: What Happens During An Asthma Attack

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What Happens During An Asthma Attack

What is asthma? What happens during an Asthma attack? Have you being ever puzzled with such a question? Well, you are not alone, i was asking myself the same question until i went out in to find the answer and here i am with it. Asthma is an inflammatory disease that affects the airways; it comes with a variety of causes ranging from genetic to environmental factors. The inflammation causes the airways to become narrower. It is incurable but can be controlled if managed properly by an experienced Doctor. According to a recent study, asthma is currently affecting more than 300 million people in the world. Thank God for science and its welcomed developments, the probability of asthma attacks ending up with the death of the victim has reduced drastically so far the patients is taking his/her medications serious and following the guidelines laid down by the Doctor. Asthma kills about 255,000 people around the world every year.

Asthma mostly develops from childhood, although adults can develop asthma at some certain stage in life courtesy of the environment they inhabit. A young man that works in a factory that deals on harmful chemicals that irritates the airways will surely develop asthma over time if he doesn’t take precautionary and safety measures while at work. Among children, asthma has being recorded to be the most chronic disease, susceptibility factors includes when the child is born with a low birth weight, exposed frequently to secondary cigarette smoke. Children of mothers who smoke have a higher risk of being asthmatic. An early symptom starts mostly at the age of 5 and includes wheezing and frequent respiratory infections. What happens during an asthma attack could result to death if proper care on the casualty isn't taken.
So, what happens during an asthma attack? Like I stated above, the inflammation caused by asthma, tightens up the muscles around the airways and narrows the airways thereby decreasing the amount of air that plies the airways. Inflammation of the walls of the airways increases and further narrowing the channel through which air passes through. Mucous is produced, undermining the flow of air. The whole complications make the airways extremely sensitive to irritations which can be triggered by anything like dust, chemicals, smoke, etc. At this period, an allergic reaction sets in.  The inhaler helps to clear the airways and reduce the inflammation a little so as to bring about relief during an attack. It is advised to take your inhaler around but many asthmatic patients fling this advice away because they don’t want people to know what they are suffering from. They are also advised to stay away from dusty areas, chemicals that trigger irritation of the airways. When working in a place where such chemicals are produced, try to adhere to the safety measures and remain healthy. Stay away from secondary cigarette smoke. Obese adults with a B.M.I between 25 and 30 are 38% more likely to have asthma compared to adults who are not obese. Check your B.M.I here

In my future posts, I will like to expatiate more on the causes of asthma so that you know how to avoid living a lifestyle that will get you suffering from asthma soonest. But until then, i think i leveraged the opportunity on this post properly to let you know what happens during an asthma attack.

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