Friday, 1 August 2014

[MOD] Get Maximum Peformance | Maximum Battery Life | Tweaks for all Android phones

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 Performance and battery problem? Worry NO MORE !

                Most android devices are not built with powerful specs and even though they have, they are not fully optimized to work at their best performance and save as much juice of their battery. Plenty of these users tend to worry and suffer from a minimal experience with their android device and try to look for an app, mods, and ROM to give them a solution just to make it out from this issues. In fact, even a heavily-modified device still can't work on its optimum potential. What we really need here is the proper tweaks that was made to address the issues, and we are lucky that gauravj bring us Performance and Battery Tweak.

                With this Performance and Battery Tweak, any android device running Gingerbread (GB), Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS), Jelly Bean (JB), or even KitKat, can achieve the smoothest performance and the longest battery life. After you flash this mod, you can say your device works like a CHARM!

 What's with Performance and Battery Tweak?

This mod tweaks the build.prop of any ROM. Below are the following it features:
  • Full memory management with 5 different configs.
  • Zipalign apps in "/system" at every boot, and apps in "/data" every 48 hours.
  • CPU governors tweaks and improvements for better performance and battery life.
  • Increased SD Card read-ahead cache to 2048 KB to improve SDCard write/read speed.
  • Nos entropy seeder generator engine used to reduce lags.
  • Ad blocking.
  • Battery life improvements.
  • SQLite and database optimizing every 48 hours.
  • Network TCP tweaks.
  • Kernel, VM and sysctl tweaks and improvements.
  • File system speedup.
  • Build.prop tweaks and improvements.
  • Cleans log files and tombstones at every boot.
  • Many other tweaks for better performance and battery life!
  • Net booster tweaks
  • and many more

 How to install Performance and Battery Tweak for ALL Android device?

Before applying, make sure to have this:
How to flash?

1. Download the Performance and Battery and put it to your phone's SD card.
2. Boot to recovery mode.
3. Optional, backup first if you don't have a backup.( Recovery > Backup & Restore > Backup)
4. Install Zip from SD card.
5. Select and flash Performance and Battery
6. Reboot normally and experience the smoothness!

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