Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Nemesis One - Custom ROM for Karbonn Titanium S5 | Android 4.2

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                                        Introducing  Nemesis One. The best ROM EVER built for Titanium S5.With superb themes, revamped UI, a brand new Launcher, Android 4.2 status bar and the fastest kernel out there, it’s simply what you ever wanted. THE ANDROID 4.2: With Nemesis One, get the originality of Android 4.2 Jelly Bean on your phone. See your Little Young transform into Google Nexus. It has-the unique Nemesis Launcher-a complete replica of the Jelly Bean Launcher, the JB Framework, the JB Settings, Task Manager, File Explorer and the Android 4.2 Status Bar, JB Apollo Music and lots more-get the taste of Jelly Bean in everything with Nemesis. So, Samsung, you won’t give us an update? Looks like we don’t even need it now!  THE BUTTERY-SMOOTH, ROCK-SOLID AND ION-STABLE UI: With Nemesis, get your phone work on the smoothest framework ever. You get no lag, no FC, no Error. Young will really be young and run flawlessly. The silky smooth transitions and animation of apps-This indeed is something which will charm you!

Music :
             Nemesis features an unique all-in-one Audio Booster-Get the ALSA, BEATS EQUALIZER, DOLBY DIGITAL 3D SURROUND SOUND, DSP MANAGER, SONY xLOUND Audio Enhancement and lots other sound boost tweaks. Apollo Music Player-the best music player as of now is included. So turn your little young into an iPod. Play your music like never before. Enjoy the greatest music with your family and friends, with Nemesis One.

Tweaks :
                   Nemesis One features loads of tweaks to get the best out of your phone. There are as many as 50 build.prop and 15 init.d tweaks. Get the most renowned built-in Kernel tweaks with Nemesis Fusion. You get the greatest tweaks like Adrenaline-Engine, Sony Cybershot Mod, complete Kuro Tweaks, Built-in Adblockers etc. etc.
So, get ready, to, gear up, pace up, enjoy- the best ROM ever made, on your Karbonn Titanium S5

Rom Features :
  1. Pre-Rooted
  2. Zipaligned
  3. Transparent Framework
  4. Whole New Ui
  5. Apex Launcher(Customization a its best)
  6. Own Nemesis Bootanimation
  7. MI File Explorer
  8. Nemesis Browser (for ultra fast browsing)
  9. Nemesis Sound Booster (for your own taste of sound)
  10. Added Ttpod Music Player
  11. New Lockscreen
  12. Status Bar Themed
  13. Fast
  14. Good For Daily Use

BUGS: No :)

Kernel Information : The Rom Contains Stock Kernel.

Download Link : 
ScreenShots :     Screenshots of Nemesis One.

Procedure To Install Custom ROM for Karbonn Titanium S5 :

Step 1: Once you download the above files, place it into external SD card.
Step 2: Switch off your device and enter into Recovery Mode to do so:
  • Press and hold “Volume Up + Home + Power button” for a few seconds, until the screen flashes and then release all the buttons.
Step 3: Now, you have perform data wiping task. To do so:
  • Select “wipe data/factory reset“, then select “Yes” for confirmation and wait till the data wipe is complete. Now, go to CWM recovery main menu.
  • Select “wipe cache partition” and after that, select “Wipe Dalvik Cache” under advance option to perform Dalvik cache wiping.
Step 4: Again come to the CWM recovery main menu from there select “Install zip from sdcard” and give a path where you have placed Nemesis One Custom ROM for Karbonn Titanium S5.
As you select the installation will start and it will take 3-5 minutes to complete so don’t hesitate let the installation to be completed.
Step 5: Finally, when the installation process is completed.
  • Select “Go Back” and then choose “reboot system” to reboot your phone.
The phone will take 10-15 minutes to start and initialize all the services & apps, because this is the first time you are starting your device after installing the ROM.

Disclaimer : We have not developed this Nemesis One Custom ROM for KarbonnTitanium S5, so we are not responsible for any of the problems that you face after installing it. Make sure, you follow this post at your own risk on.

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