Monday, 7 July 2014

How To Flash Custom Rom On Karbonn Android Device

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                 How To Flash Custom Rom On Karbonn Android Device or Any Android Device. Being able to install and flash custom ROMS  is one of the biggest reason that today so many people are rooting their Android Smartphones. Why stick to the old and monotonous interface of the device, when you can get much more interactive looks as well as much more great tweaks with custom ROMs. You can flash custom ROMs and just sit back and enjoy the interface on your Android Smartphone. Actually that is one of the most entertaining advantage of rooting an Andriod Smartphone. Karbonn users can find custom roms for their device on our blog.  Android is great, but sometimes, the version you get with your phone—whether its vanilla Android or something like Samsung's TouchWiz—leaves a bit to be desired. Here's how to install a new version of Android (or ROM) on your device for an even better Android experience. Rooting your device grants you the power of your device. Power to manipulate its Performance and other features. If you want to know more about rooting and Installing custom ROMS you can check this post : [Guide] From Rooting to Installing Custom ROM. Before reading this Make sure you have ClockworkMOD INstalled in your phone. You can checkout the CWM available for your device here : CWM for Karbonn.If you have a Mediatek Device you can make your own CWM in just 5mins by this method : CWM for Mediatek


        Make sure the Custom Rom you are flashing is meant for your device or else it can cause boot loopsand soft brick . I'm not responsible for anything that happens to your device while flashing roms.

Guide :

1.  Download the suitable custom rom for your device. Auto Insurance
2.  Put the custom rom zip file in your sd card. 
Auto Insurance

3.  Go To CWM Recovery Mode :

Switch off the Phone Press and hold " Volume Up + Power+ Home " Buttons and
Select Recovery Mode by Volume Up . Select Recovery Mode by Volume Down

4.  Before installing any rom please make a  Nandroid backup of  your current rom 
For that go to Backup and restore in CWM then click on Backup.  So that you if you mess things up then you can easily get back your phone to its previous working state and prevent it from soft brick .

5.  Now the Crucial Part Begins (i.e. Installing a custom rom)


Step 1. - Wipe data factory reset --> Yes--delete all Auto Insurance
user data

Step 2. - Wipe Cache Partion -> Yes-Wipe Cache 
Auto Insurance

Step 3. - Advanced -> Wipe Dalvik Cache -> Yes- wipe dalvik cache

Step 4. - mounts and storage --> Format /System /data /cache.
 Step 5. - Install zip from sd --> - choose zip fromsdcard --> - Select Zip Auto Insurance

 Step 6. - Reboot System now

 Step 7. - Wait for 5-10 min to bootup for the first time.

 Now you are all set! You'll have a new ROM with tons of settings to play with, the Play Store to download new apps, and—if you made a backup with Titanium—you can now head into Titanium Backup and restore all your apps and their settings. Enjoy! 


1. The Wipe data and cache doesn't wipe Contacts/picture ? Auto Insurance
->Your contacts/pictures are stored in your Google Account, not your phone, so they'll be synced back. Any game progress *might* (don't quote me) be saved on your SD Card so you might not have a problem. It doesn't wipe your SD card, just the phone's data.

2. How to Backup Contacts :

 -> You can use Titanium Backup to Backup system apps and data/Contacts.

             If You have Any Queries or you got stuck at a point then you can Ask us ! Happy to Help, Do Like and Share this post. Good day !
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