Tuesday, 22 July 2014

[Experimental] Cyanogemod 11 for Karbonn A2+ | A27 Retina | A4+| A7*| A25 | A7+ By Ajinkya & Manish.

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 Cyanogenmod 11 Experimental for above Karbonn models. 
          Android Version : 4.4.2 #Kitkat Original.
            By Ajinkya & Manish.[Build1.]

Warning :
      As this ROM is experimental version it might not work on few device as i have not tested it on them. If it doesn't works i'm not responsible for anything that happens to your device. I will only try to help you.

CyanogenMod  is an enhanced open source firmware distribution for smartphones and tablet computers based on the Android mobile operating system. It offers features and options not found in the official firmware distributed by vendors of these devices.

ROM Features :

  • Original Cyanogenmod 11 (4.4.2)
  • Reduced ROM size to 120mb so that its flashable on low end device.
  • Zip aligned Apk files.
  • Wifi , Bluetooth , Camera Working.
  • No heating issues.
  • Overall Stable and smooth ROM.
  • Fixed Status '0' Error.

Bugs : 

SD card not detected. If you find any bugs comment below, so that we try to overcome it. :D

ScreenShots :

If you find any bugs, issues installing ROM or your device not compatible to this rom then you can comment below. Do, Share this post and like us on facebook Karbonn ROMS for more custom roms for your device. Feedbacks in comment section are most welcome. =)

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