Fatty fishes, such as salmon, lake trout, herring, sardines and tuna, are the fishes with the highest
amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Although many types of seafood contain small amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. As directed by the American Heart Association which recommended that people eat fish rich in
omega-3 fatty acids at least twice a week.
This is because the unsaturated fats in fish, called omega-3 fatty acids, are the nutrients that has being scientifically proved to reduce the risk of people dying of heart diseases.
Wondering how the omega-3 oils does this? Here we go. We all know that most of the species of Fishes we eat contains unsaturated fatty acids called omega-3 oils, if you previously don't know about that i am glad you know now. This oil when substituted for saturated fatty acids such as those we see in meat, lowers our cholesterol level.
Also, Omega-3 fatty acids in fatty fish are a type of unsaturated fatty acid that can reduce inflammations throughout the body. Inflammation in the body which can damage our blood vessels and lead to complicated problems which might eventually land into heart diseases.
Omega-3 fatty acids may decrease triglycerides( A lipid, an ester of glycerol and three fatty acids (the same or different); the major constituent of animal and vegetable fats).
Omega-3 oils lowers blood pressure, reduce blood clotting,
decrease the chances of stroke and heart failure risk, it reduces
irregular heartbeats, and it may increase learning in children.
Taking One or two fishes that contains omega-3 fatty acids a week can put you on the course. Although this Omega-3 fatty acid can be absent in some known fishes, fishes like tilapia and catfish are among the list.
While am specifically concerned about eating the fishes produced on farms because researchers think the antibiotics, pesticides and other chemicals used in raising farmed fish may cause harmful effects to people who eat the fish. The wild caught fishes can also poss a bigger threat as the some of their aquatic habitats(water bodies) may have some mercury leak in them, mercury flowing from nearby factories and industries which doesn't dissolve. This mercury will continue accumulating in the fishes present in the water and when eaten by humans, it might cause mercury poisoning.
Hence, we have to be careful with the fishes we consume as this has caused so many health ailments that would have gone worst before they could be properly diagnosed out. Finally, fishes that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, reduces the risk of heart disease, and taking them regularly cleans your heart and makes it healthy.