Toothache is something i consider as one of the most dreadful experience one can ever pass through. The drilling pain it
produces within will leave even the most strongest individual crying. This is the pain that occurs in or around a tooth.
The pain usually comes from within a tooth or the surrounding gum and bone structures. Toothache can occur constantly or spontaneously but mostly it is usually stimulated by something. It's absolutely impossible to ignore and go about your daily schedule with an aching tooth. These are sure ways to get through it but before that, let me take you deep into the causes, symptoms and finally its treatment.
Last month when we were almost starting our exams, it was a period where everybody was supposed to be reading immensely, a very good friend of mine, one of my reading partners fell for these. His tooth aches him alot and he was always unsteady, crying and he couldn't read along with us after all. He complained of tooth pains with a sharp, pricky and constant pain. Sometimes he will experience headache and fever, swelling around the tooth and a foul-taste being emitted from the infected tooth.
Toothaches are usually caused by trauma or injury. A traumatic blow to a tooth can cause sensitivity. Injury can also cause Toothache in the form of dental decay or you can call it Cavity. A cavity is usually felt when it gets larger and deeper into the layers of tooth structure. The Enamel which is the hardest part of the teeth's structure and the softer layer beneath enamel is called Dentin. Dentin is sensitive with tiny microscopic tubes that run from the very center of the tooth. The center of the tooth is called the pulp chamber and contains the pulp. The pulp is comprised of blood vessels and nerves. If decay gets past enamel into the dentin, the cavity can sometimes cause discomfort. A deeper cavity that approaches the center of the tooth will likely cause pain since there is more damage to the tooth and there is less tooth structure to insulate and protect the pulp. The decay can be triggered by the decomposition of left over food particles, especially sugar. When the food particles decompose, they produce an acid which wears away the the tooth's structure causing the cavity. Toothache can also be triggered by:
Third molars
Exposed root surfaces
Gum infection or gum disease
Teeth clenching or grinding
Dental work
Damaged or fractured tooth
Treatment for a toothache depends on the origin and stage. It is advised to see a Dentist for these, although some over the counter drugs do exist but they are only for relief and not for treatment. These drugs includes:
-Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen (Advil or Aleve)
-Clove oil
-Benzocaine (including Orajel or Anbesol)
When you get to a Dentist Doctor he will treat you according to the Cause and extent of damage the decay has already done to your teeth, for tooth fractures or “cracked tooth syndrome” situations(i will talk on that later), a dental crown is usually used. A crown will be used to replace the missing tooth structure or it will help protect the weakened tooth from further breakdown and sensitivity.
For a shallow cavity on a tooth, the decay is removed and a filling is placed to seal the tooth. If the cavity is very deep and gets into the pulp, "root canal treatment" is performed because the pulp has been exposed and infected with bacteria. In applying the renal Canal procedure, the Dentist removes all the vital contents of the tooth (nerves and blood vessels) and seals the inner aspects of the tooth (root canal system) with an nonreactive filling material. Root canal treatment along with antibiotic therapy is required for an abscessed tooth that has very localized infection. If the infection has become widespread, antibiotic therapy and additional steps may be needed to properly drain the infection. If the patient is so unlucky and the tooth and its surrounding gum has being so much damaged, the Dentist will be left with no other option than to remove the teeth entirely. This is the more reason why you need to visit your Dentist often and whenever you experience any of the symptoms above.
Let me ask you, who wants to carry a tooth decay induced open teeth after all?
For tooth fractures or “cracked tooth syndrome” situations, a dental crown is usually used. A crown will replace missing tooth structure or it will help protect the weakened tooth from further breakdown and sensitivity.