Sunday 9 March 2014

Facebook Feed Dialog Tutorial

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Feed Dialog is one of the sharing options provided by Facebook for webpages. It prompts a person to share an individual story to a profile's timeline without the need of extended permissions. It's the backbone of the "share on Facebook to download" concept on my Free eBooks page. You can also use it to post to Facebook with a "via my blog name" link.

Unlike the Facebook Share Dialog, the Feed Dialog lets you customize how you want your story or update to appear after sharing it on Facebook. You can specify the Facebook feed dialog picture, title (name), caption, description etc. You can even specify how the dialog should be rendered eg Facebook feed dialog popup.

For you to integrate Facebook Feed Dialog with your website, you will need the Facebook App ID of the site.

If you don't know the Facebook App ID of your site, read: How To Get Facebook Application ID and Secret Key.

Facebook Feed Dialog Example

In this Facebook dialog tutorial, I will show you how to create a dialog like the one below:

facebook feed dialog with link

==> Edit the Facebook Feed dialog URL below with your appID.



  &description=Free eBooks are available for download on this page every week. Click this link to get yours!



  &name=Download Free EBooks Every Week


Also carefully change the description, link, name as desired. Also change the Facebook feed dialog picture to a link that links to a picture you want to use.

You can change the Facebook Feed dialog redirect_uri from to a link that links to a page on your site.

Once you are through with the editing, copy and paste it in your browser address bar and hit "enter" or "OK". You should see a dialog similar to the screenshot above.

If you prefer a caption to replace the link under the title (name), you can use the URL below.



  &description=Free eBooks are available for download on this page every week. Click this link to get yours!



  &name=Download Free EBooks Every Week


  &caption=Email, Phone Number NOT required!

Take note of the caption parameter.

This will generate a dialog similar to the one below:

facebook field dialog with caption

You will notice that the link has been replaced by the caption.

That's all.

You can customize it further using the Facebook feed dialog parameters.

To create "share to download" with this, shorten the URL, then link a Facebook Share icon to the shortened URL as seen here.

I hope this helps.

If you've got questions, contributions etc kindly relay them via comments.

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