Friday 31 January 2014

6 Simple Tips To Write Quality Content For Your Blog

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This is a guest post compiled by +uche Nwokolo  for OgbongeBlog

Content is king; everyone knows about that but how can we produce content that would keep your readers interested and at the same time attract new readers to your blogs? Apart from being unique, a good content should useful, easy to read, interesting and at the same time beneficial to the reader.

Below are just six tips to write quality content for you blog:


Firstly, to write quality content for your blog you should ensure there is a balance between SEO and your reader’s attention when crafting your headline. You wouldn’t want to lose visitors by writing headlines (titles) for only SEO benefits while neglecting your customers. Neither would you want to write for only your customers while neglecting SEO.

Take a good look at the two examples below to better understand this issue.

  •  Spending habits: how to get rid of them

  • 5 ways to get rid of bad spending habits once and for all.  

Which do you think it better?

SEO requires that the keyword be at the beginning but sometimes doing that makes the headline not attractive to get the attention of readers. You have to learn how to balance this issue if you want to write quality content for your blog.


Secondly, write when you are in the mood: I have discovered that I write quality content when am I much lively or in high spirits than when am tired or a have other things on my mind. When you are not in the state or mood to blog why not just leave it and attend to other things.

You can’t cheat nature. When it is time to rest, just rest. After all blogging is not something you do once in a month it is continuous. Passion makes the work easier not burdensome so don’t stress yourself all in the name of passion.


Thirdly, Pen down your content when you get the idea immediately: Ideas come fast but they also leave fast. When you get an idea about a topic, pen it down. You can easily save the idea as a blog draft or in a Note application on your mobile device. Forget about the mistakes you can edit them later.

One way to get an idea to write a better content is to read your posts yourself, yes very simple. Open your blog in your browser then go through it as a visitor. You would be shock at the amount of ideas you would receive to improve your content, I do that every day and I also receive ideas to write quality content, try it out, remember pen down the ideas immediately.


The fourth tip to write quality content is to differentiate when it should be a post or a guide/ebook: A post doesn’t contain many words compared to a guide.

I wrote a post on financial statements, on income statement and also on balance sheet but at a second thought I decided to combine them into one and make it a guide instead of being post why?

Apart from struggling to get a good headline people won’t comment on it talk more of sharing it, so I wrote the beginners guide to understanding financial statements which is useful to my readers?

Write a post if you are going to be brief and if the reader would benefit from it but if not think about writing it as a guide/ebook if you need to elaborate more on the idea.


The fifth tip to write quality content for you blog is to have fun while you blog. This is very important if you want to write quality content for your blog. You should write when you have a story to tell not to be pouring out content all the time because of SEO.

When I started blogging, I kept on thinking of how to produce content everyday all in the name of content is king. It got to a stage that I was now thinking of producing content just for Seo while forgetting about the benefits it would have for my readers and I never had fun doing it.

Blog when you have something interesting or a story to tell your readers. It is more exciting when you have a story to tell than just churning content for machines.


Last but not the least, your introduction should more else be written like a copywriter i.e apart from a good headline the first paragraph should be written in such a way that the reader cannot leave without clicking the read more button.

Avoid unnecessary words. Make it clear in the first paragraph, what you want to achieve in that post and what benefit it has to the reader.

That's all.

What's your take on this? Do you have other tips you would like to contribute to this? Pls, let me hear from you via comments.

This post was written by +uche Nwokolo . He is a blogger and the founder of wisdom for wealth blog where he blogs on how to create wealth that won’t cost you your soul.

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