It can never be a pleasant sight when your appearance shows like that of the man on the featured pix above. Everybody wants to wear a posture of a seasoned flat tummy and if possible a belly ripped with the much anticipated 6 packs. But unfortunately to wish for this can be very simple but to achieve it very hard because you have to first of all check on what goes into your mouth. You have to check up on your diet and make sure you stay away from the belly fat diet that makes fat to clog around the belly. Below are a list of belly fat diet you should stay clear of as they will only end up giving you the pleasure but depriving you of a good posture. Here goes the list of belly fat diet to avoid.
- Freeing Your Diet of Fast Food
- Pulling Away from Potato Chips
Potato chips is another type of comfort food on our belle fat diet list. Many individuals can't help eating especially when they're hanging out with friends or watching their favorite TV show. Were you aware just how huge the amount of trans fat is in these potato chips? Most brands are made with hydrogenated oils also known as trans fat. This serves as your ticket to weight gain and heart disease, so you better think twice before popping one more chip into your mouth.
- Deserting Dessert Daily
If you don't want to appear pregnant or look horrible in a tight-fitting blouse, it's also essential to start avoid dessert as much as you can. This can be a big challenge if you have gotten accustomed to having it as part of your meals. Nevertheless, you can opt for healthier, low-calorie and low-fat options. Avoid the common desserts such as ice cream, cakes, cookies, and other sweets which often contain plenty of refined sugar. These will give you nothing but additional pounds and hideous bulges.
- Stopping the Soda Habit
Another favorite on the belly fat diet list is Soda. Many people simply love to drink soda. Think empty calories combined with excessive pounds! If this idea seems to turn you off and you're determined to keep the belly fat at bay, then you really have to stop the soda habit. Sodas commonly consist of high fructose corn syrup, which is a leading ingredient proven to cause obesity. Furthermore, this type of beverage also consists of different additives that are fattening and unhealthy.
- Preventing Pancake Cravings
Surely pancakes make your mouth water, especially with all those yummy syrup choices and delicious toppings. But actually, you must take note that this type of food should also be avoided when it comes to decreasing or preventing belly fat. Pancakes come with huge amounts of fat and calories that will unquestionably expand your belly area and make you look unattractive. Hence if you're craving for pancakes, just opt for whole wheat waffles instead. Stay away from these 5 foods. They're bad news! Rather than focus on the feeling of deprivation, make yourself look forward to great-tasting healthier alternatives and to days of looking spectacular in your dream clothes.
Over to you, do you have any contributions to make on our belly fat diet list? You can throw more light to this post.