Friday, 13 September 2013

Trouble Breathing In Your Sleep?

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I feel like it's important that I use this platform to create awareness to the many health issues I have to help those who are suffering from some of these disorders. I have sleep apnea which is a sleeping disorder that cause pauses in breathing or difficulty breathing during sleep. The paused breathing is known as an apnea lasting a few seconds or minutes. Having a sleep study done is a method of diagnosis. It isn't determined by a blood test or a routine doctor office visit. The effects of this sleeping disorder include high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, stroke and poor performance in ones daily activities. With sleep apnea disorder your body isn't getting an adequate amount of rest causing sleep
deprivation. People with this disorder tend to feel tired upon waking as if they hadn't had a full nights rest and can suddenly fall asleep during daily activities such as driving which is very dangerous. Common signs of sleep suspension include loud snoring, daytime sleepiness, morning headache, attention problems, and stopped breathing witnessed by another person. Loud snoring is characteristic of obstructive sleep apnea. In obstructive sleep apnea, the airway becomes blocked causing shallow breathing or pauses in breathe. Obstructive sleep apnea is more prevalent in an overweight person but effects everyone even children. People who suffer from sleep intermission have low energy and tired contributing to less exercise. Decreasing your weight will improve the disorder. Another type of sleeping disorder is central sleep apnea. In this disorder an area of your brain doesn't send the right signals to your breathing muscles. It isn't that you can't breathe but you do not try to breathe at all. There are surgical and non surgical methods used as treatments for the disorders. The non surgical use of a CPAP machine is a mask that you sleep with used for respiratory ventilation. Use of a CPAP machine decreases sleepiness, breathing intervals, and cognitive functioning. Some people find it difficult to sleep with a mask on but recommended for improvement. Some of the surgical procedures are nasal airway surgery, weight loss surgery, tongue reduction or palate implants. It is best trying a CPAP machine first as having any surgical procedure is risky. It is important to have this disorder treated. Many people go untreated or don't know they have it since it only occurs in sleep. Your overall health will improve and decrease you chances of serious health issues including death.
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