Sunday, 15 September 2013

Take Control Of Your Blood Pressure With Easy Natural Remedies

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Standard medical procedure when a patient is diagnosed with hypertension, or high blood pressure, is to start prescribing often expensive medications to keep the pressure down to a safe level. However, these drugs will not cure hypertension, and most patients will be taking up to five or more prescriptions within five years of the
first diagnosis in a never-ending cycle of medication.
The cycle of prescribing medications for the side effects begins and it continues, because each new prescription has another problem which has to be treated with a new prescription drug. So the hypertension patient winds up taking five or more medications for the rest of his or her life, only some actually treat the hypertension.

However, you can prevent this deadly dance. Your body can heal itself. In fact, some of the causes of high blood pressure are the body`s attempt to do just that, but without sufficient number of the necessary building blocks.
These must be replenished. There are three groups of essential solutions that the body needs for all kinds of reasons; minerals, antioxidants and amino acids. First, minerals are essential building blocks for cell structure, among other things. Without them the pressure becomes uncontrolled. Mineral depletion also causes heart problems, mood swings, depression, eye tics, migraine and cluster headaches and respiratory ailments, including asthma. Adequate minerals in your diet not only supports keeping blood pressure normal, but it supports your entire system.
Second, antioxidants are a natural prevention for many diseases, including cancer and hypertension. They are natural blood pressure remedies and they include vitamins A, C, D and E to keep the linings of blood vessels in good repair and flexible enough to promote good blood circulation. This lining of your vascular system can become damaged over time due to inadequate repair from the damaging effects of oxidation, from the disastrous effects of environmental or dietary poisons or from neural damage. These can cause a thickening of the vessel walls and the formation of a layer of plaque which constricts blood flow, causing hypertension. The constricted blood flow can lead to strokes, which is a broken blood vessel in the brain or coronary failure, or heart attack.
The third natural remedy to control blood pressure is a chemical compound called nitric oxide, which is usually produced by the vascular linings. Damaged blood vessel linings cannot supply enough nitric oxide to keep the blood vessels relaxed by stimulating muscle dilation which naturally lowers the blood pressure. Platelets adhere
to damaged blood vessel walls creating the development of plaque which triggers strokes and coronary attacks.
Amino acids promote the production of this life-saving gas: nitric oxide, preventing clogged arteries and high blood pressure.
Many other supplements are easily available to anyone, but just as hypertension can have many different root causes, the right solution is individual for each person. Lab tests should be taken to identify the proper course of action in concert with your alternative medicine practitioner, who can order the appropriate test for you. Then
they can match the treatment to the cause.
These are only three of the many hypertension preventative measures available to you. Learning about the alternatives to medicine can start you on your road to better health. A trained medical or alternative health professional can help you to identify the proper procedures for safe, natural prevention of high blood pressure. Also look at  blood pressure-symptoms, causes and associated health problems

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