Friday, 20 September 2013

Skin Care - How to Control Oily Skin

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Most people complain about the appearance of their skin, especially the ones that have oily skin, which is difficult to get under control. Our body constantly produces oils and that is good for the overall health of our skin, but when our sebaceous glands are not balanced they produce excess of oils, causing the skin to suffer from acne, blackheads, zits and similar problems. Genetics, unhealthy diet, and humidity play an important role in the excess of oil production from our skin. There are plenty of remedies that are able to keep the skin clean and prevent excessive oiliness.

Cleanser / Foaming Cleanser
I am not the first person to suggest the use of a cleanser. Even dermatologists agree that the use of a gentle cleanser in the morning and evening is the most efficient way of managing oily skin. A foaming cleanser also helps to clean the excessively oily skin without damaging or drying it out. Many specifically formulated products for those having acne problems are available on the market today. However, these cleansers could dry out your skin, as they usually contain alcohol, acids and added ingredients that may not suit your skin. Therefore, it is recommended to try a sample before buying a full-size product.
Sunscreen Lotions
Oily skins are prone to pigmentation issues, so using a sun screen lotion can protect the skin from damage. Apply a cream with sun protection factor 30 minutes before going out in the sun.
Blotting Paper or Medicated Pads
The use of blotting papers is an easy way to remove the excess oil from your skin without drying it. Press the blotting paper lightly on your nose, forehead and other oily areas to get the oil absorbed on the paper. Keep the light pressure with the blotting paper on your face for about 20-30 seconds. Do not scrub your face, as that could damage the skin cells. The other alternative for dealing with the unhealthy shine is to use medicated pads which could be helpful for oily skin. These pads are formulated with oil reducing acid (glycolic or salicylic acid). They are easy to carry in your bag and very useful to refresh your makeup and remove the excessive oiliness.
Use of Toners
Many people like using Toners, but that is not necessary on every skin, as for sensitive skin such product could cause irritations. Most dermatologists give special instructions to use the toner only on areas with oily skin, like the nose, chin and forehead. If your skin is too sensitive, do not use toners, as they could cause dry patches.
Other Remedies - Mild Soap, Light Moisturizer
Use a mild soap to wash your face. After cleansing, or whenever the moisture is lost, it can be recovered with the use of light moisturizer. A high-quality moisturizer will maintain the necessary level of moisture for your skin. With exfoliation, you can make the skin smoother, clear the blocked pores and remove dead skin cells.
Natural Remedies
You can include some very effective natural remedies in your daily routine to get rid of oily skin. Have plenty of water every day, as consuming 1-2 liters of water daily will help to detoxify your body, open the pores and keep the skin fresh and healthy.
Avoid oily food, as food that contains too much oil will make your skin produce more oil. Cold milk is very beneficial for cleansing. Applying honey to your skin could help in removing the oil and making your skin glow. Vinegar could be another useful remedy for oily skin. Use a cotton pad to apply vinegar to the oily skin area.
Including fruits or natural fruit juices in your daily diet could also be helpful for keeping your skin fresh and glowing. Oranges are very rich in vitamin C, so rubbing an orange peel can change the texture of your skin from oily to healthy. The banana is rich in vitamins and potassium, and applying banana pulp as a mask is also useful for skin. Apples and mangos are rich in antioxidants, which help to regenerate dead cells and damaged tissues and give new life to the skin. Moreover, antioxidants prevent wrinkles from developing. The lemon is a natural cleanser and its peel helps to heal acne-prone skin. Papayas and pomegranates can also be used in the daily diet for healthy glowing skin.
All these natural remedies are easily available, affordable, and good for the overall health. Moreover, they can solve your problem of oily skin with added benefits to your health.
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