Thursday, 12 September 2013

How To Get Rid of a Flat Butt,The Sure Way to look sexier.

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Let's face it, having a toned, rounder butt is so much more sexier that having a butt that looks flat and droopy. Many of us have, or are suffering from, S.F.B.S - Severe Flat Butt Syndrome. Obtaining that perfect looking derriere can raise your confidence and self esteem and make you look better in your favorite jeans!
You may think getting the butt of your dreams is hard work, using super strenuous exercises, spending loads of time at the gym, or lots of cash on exercise machines that just don't work. Well that isn't the case! I can show you some quick, easy steps that will get you on your way from a flat butt to a curvy behind and keep it that way! And you can do them all in your own home.I want to touch on something that many of us do that will give you a saggy looking butt over time.

The first enemy of a firm butt is sitting all day. If you sit for most of the day then you are going to need some extra attention to the lower half of your body. That's were butt exercises come in!Let's try some exercises for the perfect butt.
One of the major areas that we want to focus on are the gluteal muscles. These important muscles are what supports our thigh bones, the pelvic area, our lower spine, and our back... that's a lot of work! Many yoga exercises will help you to get rid of a flat butt and they are beneficial in other ways too. They create a sense of calm and inner well being.
The best exercise for our gluts' are squats.The problem is, a lot of us are doing them the wrong way! A basic squat is started by standing with our feet apart comfortably and naturally. You don't want to be standing there all stiff and rigid. You can end up hurting a muscle that way. And by standing this way, it will allow you to squat far down enough so you won't hurt your knees or lose your balance. You can do squats using something in front of you to hold onto though if you feel awkward.
Now, as you lower yourself down into a squat position, you want to stick your butt out behind you as far as it can go. Also, try to keep most of your weight on the heels of your feet, meaning you shouldn't be balancing on the balls of your feet. This lessens the benefit of the squat because you're not stretching the necessary muscles.
You can try an alternative squat that I call the plie squat.
You see dancers doing this a lot. Same idea as a normal squat, but you're going to turn your feet outwards then squat until your knees are over your toes. Doing squats this way helps to tone the hamstring muscles, quads, and butt. If you want to try toning your whole body in one go, grab a pair of hand weights and raise them over your head while you do the squats.
Step Ups are another good exercise to help rid yourself of that flat butt. You can use your own stairs at home for this one, or if you don't have stairs, you can grab a stable chair to use. All you are doing is stepping on, then stepping off. Do this around 20 times with one leg and then switch.
A lot of people think that running is a great way to keep fit. But you could end up jogging your butt into oblivion. When you jog a lot, you burn so many calories that you could be burning fat and muscle off resulting in droopy but cheeks. With no muscle to support your gluts' the whole butt will just fall.
Another exercise that many of us groan at, myself included, are lunges. But these, like squats, are one of the best exercises out there for shaping your butt. A fun and easy way to do these is to walk around the room (or the whole house if your prefer) while taking big lunging steps. You'll feel silly at first but it will be worth it.
There are two really good floor exercises you can do as well. One is called the superman lift. Basically, you lay on your stomach, face down, and pretend you are superman flying by stretching out your arms and legs and lifting them upwards.
Now you can roll over on your side and do an exercise called the clam shell. All you are doing here is supporting you head by leaning on your arm and lifting the top leg and then lowering it. The trick here is to squeeze those gluts' as you are doing it. Some find it more useful to use a flexible exercise retention band which will give a bit more resistance and work that butt a bit harder.
Something else that you can do as often as you like and wherever you are is tightening then releasing the butt muscles. You tense the muscles as tightly as you can and hold them for a count of 30 or more, then release and repeat. You can hold it for longer or do them faster for more of a challenge. This is especially useful for those of us that have to sit all day!
These are just a few ways to get your booty back in shape and you will start to see the change in no time at all. Say no to your disappearing butt and give it the TLC it needs to be the perky backside you know it can be! I bet in a week you your butt will look happier.
For more Tips and step by step guide on this topic, click here.

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