When I gained more than 20 pounds after college, I had no idea how to lose the weight. I knew I wasn’t taking the best care of myself (I was eating fattening foods and skipping my workouts), but I didn’t know how to start. Eventually, I figured out what worked for me , and the pounds steadily came off (and stayed off ), but I wish I had known a few things before I embarked on my weight loss journey–it would have made the process that much easier! With that said, here are a few mistakes I made when I first tried to lose weight. Hopefully, you won’t make them, too!
I didn’t watch my portion sizes-
I’ve been a healthy eater for as long as I can remember. Sure, I like to enjoy a plate of nachos covered in cheese or a couple of margaritas from time-to-time, but, in general, I enjoy eating foods that are good for me. So, when I was trying to lose weight, I didn’t struggle with selecting healthy food options, but I quickly learned I was simply eating too much of them. For instance, I’d often eat a peanut butter and banana sandwich for breakfast. It was a quick and easy meal that would keep me satisfied for hours, but what I didn’t realize was just how calories were packed into it. When I started to measure my food and track my calories online, I was shocked to learn that two slices of whole wheat bread with a couple of servings of peanut butter and a banana added up to nearly 600 calories! After that, I kept a close eye on my portion sizes and soon the number on the scale started to move.
I only focused on calories-
I didn’t eat enough during the day-
When I was losing weight, I’d wake up every morning and vow to eat right and exercise that day. Most of the time, things went as planned: I’d wake up early for a heart-pumping workout and make healthy choices with my meals all day long. However, when I arrived home after a long day of work, I’d often blow my efforts by ordering greasy take-out or snacking late into the evening because I was so hungry. After a few weeks of falling into this same trap over and over again and not losing weight, I finally picked up on what was happening. If I didn’t eat substantial meals and snacks throughout the day–ones that included fiber- packed carbs, low-fat protein, and healthy fats–I’d inevitably overeat at day’s end. Once I realized what was going on, I made it a point to eat more during the day, which helped me reign in my eating habits at night.
By: Tina Haupert.