Sunday, 21 July 2013

How I Manage Banking Profession With Blogging

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This is a guest post compiled by Essien Ekpenyong for OgbongeBlog

We all know how bank job is hectic and tedious but I have been a success story when it comes to combining banking and blogging. This post is not to boast about my prowess in handling the two job functions but as a way to encourage everyone out there who has passion for blogging that he can succeed as a blogger no matter what.

Below are the key points that help me through my career as a banker and a blogger:

Set Your Priority

Of course I know where I pay my bills from. I am not a three digits earner in blogging yet but I know how much my bank is paying me so my priority should be my bank job. Any decline in it may be disastrous and we all know how banking job is delicate, it needs utmost care, concentration, efficiency and 100% thoroughness.

Choosing my Job over blogging automatically make me a ‘part-time blogger’. Setting your priority will also enable you to choose if you are a full time blogger or a part time

Time Management

The most important aspect of it all is time management. After prioritizing my job functions, I really need to manage my time effectively and efficiently. In Banking, we only know when we leave and we don’t know when we return. So to return on time, I have to be on top my game operationally. I have to concentrate wholly and basically on the job at hand so that I will come home on time for blogging.

I blog from 7pm to 9pm after returning from work. This duration of time is very important because I use it to make my research, type my blog post, and publish it on my Naija Tips blog. I also use it to read other blogs, comment on blogs.

Choose Appropriate Niche

For you to really succeed as a blogger and a banker, I really need to choose the niche that you have passion for and not an expiry niche like entertainment and news. That is why I choose technology, blogging tips and career.

Advantages of blogging on this niche are;

  • A post on tips and tutorial can be use overtime and it won’t expire and thus, you can re-share it for your audience when you don’t have the time to post.

  • After developing your blog to a certain standard, i.e. having a high Page Rank (Pr), high traffic and exposure, you will surely have a Guest Post. All you have to do is to edit the post and publish it thus giving you more time to relax after a hectic bank job

I want to conclude that you should take blogging as a passion but not an avenue to make money. See blogging as an avenue to add value depending on what you share. The moment you take blogging as a means of making money, and if the money is not coming, you will surely get frustrated and your blogging desire will die.

Being a blogger and a banker is not easy, the only thing that kept me going is the passion and I can also state that being a Banker really helps my blogging desire because I have access to Naira and dollar cards to pay for my WebHosting, Domain Name etc.

Are you also combining blogging with another job? Kindly share how you cope with the two via comments.

If you have questions, contributions etc, you can also relay them via comments.


This post was written by +Essien Ekpenyong  . He is the owner of Naija Tips blog where he post latest tips, tutorials and career guide.

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